Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Eagle Schnapps sponsors the 516th edition of Okere juju Festival

The Olaraja of Ekere, Ogieboro E.F Esisi has expressed his gratitude to the sponsors of this year’s edition of the popular Okere Juju festival which came to a completion recently.

In a show of appreciation, he presented to Intercontinental Distillers Limited (makers of Eagle Schnapps) the framed pictures of the Eleghe masquerade which makes a rare appearance every 25years. Continue...
The Brand Manager, Eagle Schnapps Mr Kingsley Anuebunwa, receiving the gift said that the society which  lets go of its culture will definitely forget its roots, hence the commitment of the Brand to the celebration  and encouragement of the preservation of our culture through the sponsorship of important festivals such as the Okere Juju. 

He further added that Company took the sponsorship a notch higher by sponsoring a draughts competition during the festival. He disclosed that the winners, Marcus Somatsone  Martin Patrick and Deby Ogona went home with cash sums, Draughts boards  and other branded items. 
The  grand finale of the event which was witnessed  by over 20,000 spectators  was the climax of 5-weeks  of activities, which included the  “Ibi ri bi”(the spiritual cleansing),  “ode gbigba’  (sweeping the arena), “Awerewere” (cleansing ceremony).
The spectators were treated to masquerade displays, and various enactments from the rich history of the Okere People.  Various groups from within the community attired in beautiful colourful native costumes paid homage to the traditional ruler with the Motor bikers group drawing the most attention with their biking display.
When the first shade of darkness crept in the masquerades disrobed leaving only their loin clothes  in preparation for their  departure .This was immediately followed by the final race  of the Masquerades with the entire audience offering prayers for diseases and evil forces to depart from their midst.
 Mr David Oki, the community public relations officer said the festival has thrown open many tourism and business opportunities for visitors and indigenes alike.