Doctor Videotaped S*x With Patient, Took Her Virginity
“I said that he was a professional who had taken advantage of her.”
She said she encouraged her daughter to ask the doctor for money after she returned penniless from Australia, where she had followed him at his request.
The doctor, who has interim name suppression and is known as Dr H, had an affair with the young woman and is alleged to have paid her $35,000 in a bid to get her to withdraw allegations she made to the health and disability commissioner.
He allegedly made a video of having s*x with the woman, whose name is permanently suppressed. The tribunal heard evidence from the woman in private, as well as viewing the video.
During the open hearing the patient’s father told of his daughter’s relationship with Dr H and her distress over the s*xual connection.
He said Dr H emailed him “expressing a wish to communicate and advising that he believed that as the patient’s father there were details I might need to know that would be ‘detrimental to all of us’”.
The father said he consulted a lawyer and made no further contact with Dr H. He told the tribunal that his relationship with his daughter had been strained.
She had said Dr H had been helpful and had asked her to visit him for a meal. He said he told his daughter it was not appropriate.
His daughter later told her mother that she had had s*x with the doctor.
“I was concerned that Dr H had some emotional hold over a vulnerable [patient] and was using his knowledge of her mental condition to his advantage,” he said.
The patient later joined Dr H in Australia, where the doctor’s wife found out about the affair and paid for the patient to return to New Zealand.
“She came and stayed with us for a while immediately after her return,” the father said.
“She was very distressed by the events that had unfolded and frequently referred to feeling dirty.”
She had been struggling financially in Australia. ”When she returned home she literally had nothing.”
In June 2009, the father and mother wrote to Dr H expressing concerns about the impact the relationship had had on their daughter.
“I subsequently received a letter from Dr H in which he apologised for his ‘lapse of judgment’,” the father said.
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