Famke Jansen Victim of Creepy Home Break-In, Finds Children's Book by Her Bed

The 47-year-old actress has alerted police to a creepy burglary at her New York City apartment this past weekend after she came home and found a children's book by her bed.
Per published reports, the New York City Police Department confirmed that it is investigating an alleged break-in that happened Saturday at Janssen's penthouse in Greenwich Village.
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The actress reportedly discovered that someone had placed a copy of the children's book The Lonely Doll on a shelf by her bed, but she claims that no one else had access to her apartment.
The book tells the story of a doll looking for playmates before later befriending two bears, who promise to always stay by her side.

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Per the New York Daily News, in 2005 the actress was stalked by a fan who repeatedly sent her photos and letters, and she filed a harassment report with police.
The Dutch-born Janssen was most recently seen in The Wolverine, in which her character, Jean Grey, popped up in a series of ghostly visions by Hugh Jackman's titular hero. Filmmakers have yet to reveal whether the actress will appear in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past, in which several of her X-Men costars—including Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and Halle Berry—will be reprising their roles.
Janssen currently stars in the Netflix horror series Hemlock Grove.
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